

Full Protection BOT - Extreme

A friend asked us if it is possible to use a bot to get fp during woe.
First of all thank you for your interest in this site and asked us this question, the second thing I say "sure, it is possible.. and not only for the woe!"


  • a bot account with a creator
  • the fp skill
  • 100k (or more) zeny
  • 100+ str (to bring the Coating Bottles)
  • 75~100 dex (no-cast is not necessary, but if you can, give it)
  • a location where place the bot
  • this script


# ---- CONFIG -----
$bottleToBuy = 100

# ----- FULL PROTECTION -----
macro mfp{
 do stand
 $id = @inventory(Coating Bottle)
 $qt = @invamount(Coating Bottle)
 if ($qt > 0) goto action
  do pm "$.lastpm" No more Coating Bottles, buying...
  call mbuy
  do sp 479 "$.lastpm"
automacro afp{
 #pm "|00fp", AllowedChar
 pm "|00fp"
 call { log messaggio }
 call mfp

# ----- BUY -----
macro mbuy{ 
 $price = 200
 $total = @eval($bottleToBuy * $price)
 if ($.zeny < $total) goto nomoney
  $x = @arg("$.pos", 1)
  $y = @arg("$.pos", 2)
  $map = $.map
  do c @warp ra_temsky 68 96
  pause 2
  #$np = @npc("Alchemist Items")
  $np = @npc(68 92)
  do talk $np
  do store
  do buy 14 $bottleToBuy
  do c @warp $map $x $y
  goto end
  log No money? no Coating Bottles!
automacro abuy{
 inventory "Coating Bottle" < 1
 call mbuy
 timeout 30


Go to the side of the fp bot and tell "fp" to him in pm.


If you want to restrict the use of the bot to the your own char, just change the pm "|00fp" line with this one: pm "|00fp", NameOfYourChar.


  1. Anonymous1/7/12 07:16

    nothing happen. :(
    what should i do? my bot just sitting there.
