To connect to xilero for botting, you need get a bot, all the scripts in this site are focused on OpenKore.
It is recommend to download the lastest stable version.
Once downloaded unpack it into a folder, then edit the tables/servers.txt file adding this lines at the end:
# XILERO BOT - [XileRO BOT PK] ip port 6901 private 1 master_version 18 version 20 secureLogin 0 secureLogin_type 0 secureLogin_requestCode secureLogin_account 0 serverType kRO_RagexeRE_2010_07_14a serverEncoding Western charBlockSize 112 addTableFolders eA;kRO/RagexeRE_2010_07_14a;translated/kRO_english;Now just save the file, lunch start.exe insert the account id, account password and the char number when prompted.
Well, we are in, that's all for now...
hey i cant get to load the serverType. whats wrong?
ReplyDeletewhat open kore version are you using?
Deletehey now it says unable to load file recvpackes.txt
ReplyDeleteMaybe you have to generate it, read this
Deletehey why i can't download xilero full ? :(
ReplyDeleteno one is able to download it, xilero staff is so noob..
Deletei found some working link for the V9 full:
i tried all the things said to fixed the xilero bot but still i cant connect i fixed recpackets now itemlots cannot load .. someone hell or upload a working bot ^^ thanks in advance
ReplyDeletein the tables/servers.txt, under addTableFolders also include the euro (or iro) folder. You must delete the recvpackets.txt placed into the included folder.
Deletewhat do you mean? how many recvpackets.txt i need to delete exactly?
Deleteinclude the iro folder in the addTableFolders
ReplyDeletedelete the tables/iro/recvpackets.txt
already delete it. still unable to load itemlots. hmm
Deletedid you set the addTableFolders as this?
DeleteaddTableFolders eA;kRO/RagexeRE_2010_07_14a;translated/kRO_english;iro;
nope. i set it as this
DeleteaddTableFolders eA;kRO/RagexeRE_2010_07_14a;translated/kRO_english;
try to set as mine:
DeleteaddTableFolders eA;kRO/RagexeRE_2010_07_14a;translated/kRO_english;iro;
man, pass for we download of this, because the JCV don`t working for xileRo because .exe is proteceted! :D
ReplyDeleteand "addTableFolders eA;kRO/RagexeRE_2010_07_14a;translated/kRO_english;iro;" don`t working too!
it works for me.. anyway i posted the recvpackets.txt here. Pass: XileroBot
DeleteI cannot connect. It says invalid argument. Help me please.
ReplyDeleteTry this.
DeleteI replaced all recvpacket.txt with yours but still unable to load. why?
ReplyDeleteTry this or this